PowerToys Adds New Microphone and Camera Shutdown Tool


 We tell you what PowerToys is and more recently the addition of a color picker utility, the Color Picker
 You can now install PoweToys version 0.21 stable or version 0.22 experimental .
 What’s new in version 0.21 is that you can open links to the Run utility.
 New in 0.22 are all the new features in 0.21 with the addition of the Video Conference utility, an application that turns off the camera and microphone with a set of keys. You can configure the keystroke you prefer in the PowerToys Settings section.
 In order to turn off the microphone, it uses the Windows 10 sound API.
 To be able to turn off the camera, it installs a second virtual webcam, used to broadcast while capturing video from the real one, and when we choose to ‘mute’ the video, technically it doesn’t stop broadcasting: it only broadcasts a totally black image until we activate it again. The reason why it is experimental is because they have not yet managed to implement it in some laptops.

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